Monday, May 07, 2012

LONDON: Paul Green & Laurie Duggan

Tuesday, 8th May, 2012, 7.30pm, FREE

Swedenborg Hall,
20/21 Bloomsbury Way,

Paul Green and Laurie Duggan present their new poetry collections. Paul will be opening The Gestaltbunker and Laurie will be exploring The Pursuit of Happiness.

The evening also features readings from the new Shearsman edition of Cesar Vallejo's Complete Poems, read by translator Valentino Gianuzzi and publisher Tony Frazer, who hosts the event as part of the on-going Shearsman Readings Series.

"From his cloister Brother Paul emerges, jazzed and weaponised..." - Lawrence Russell, www.culturecourt
"Duggan's technical and emotional range, his grasp of history and ability to let the record stand—all take on a richness and freshness rare in local poetry." —Carl Harrison-Ford, Sydney Morning Herald.

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