Thursday, April 13, 2006

Normal Service resumes after Easter

Many apologies for the absence of posts recently. Last weekend I was struck down by acute bronchitus, followed by tonsillitus, which in turn produced a severe inflammation of the ear. So I've been comatose in bed most of the week, souped-up to the eyeballs with antibiotics and painkillers and sucky lozenges, and too weak to get to the computer. I'm still not entirely fixed but am dictating this to my male nurse between lozenges.

Luckily, almost no live poetry events seem to be happening during the Easter break, so I've not missed much.

If you have a regular or one-off live poetry event - i.e. reading or performance or open mic night - you would like to see advertised on POETS ON FIRE, email me all the relevant details at

However, regular events need regular email updates and/or reminders; one email, for instance, will not cover you for a year, as my memory of such events begins to wane after a few weeks and needs poking. So if you emailed me in the past but haven't seen your event mentioned for a while, remember to let me know about it again ... regularly!

I'll start posting again in a few days, when my legs have hopefully started working again.

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