Headliners for Saturday 4.30 - 6.30pm
Chloe Poems
Adam Horivitz
Sophie Blackwell
plus local poetic support from:
Remi Tawose, Debbie Harris, Dan Butcher, Ross Rossiter, Pat Reid, Ian Sills, Bertram Trotar, Sofia Gradin. Plus Beat The Egg.
Music from: Summerzet zider bonkers combo More Silage!

ALL Headliners for Sunday 4.30 - 6.00pm
Rachel Pantechnicon
Byron Vincent
Lucy English
dreadlock alien
Mo The People's Nun
Music from Bath-based band with Janis Joplin soundalike singer Hannah Saunders: Cute Loony. MCs for both days Rosemary Dun and Tom Phillips.
Just outside the Fringe Marquee will be sited Big Mouth's original poetry installation - THE POETRY JUKEBOX from 2.30 - 3.30 both days. On Saturday, poetry provided by Ross Rossiter, and Rosemary Dun; and on Sunday by Steve Payne and Carol Pool.
On Sunday 23rd July at 7pm in the Blackout Tent is the World Premiere of vox rock opera HAPPY JACK with spoken word, music and video. Inspired by The Small Faces' Happiness Stan, this specially commissioned spoken word/ vid/ music event is a collaborative original work: words and story provided by Big Mouth local poet and author Rosemary Dun and Bath-based ARCC providing their unique improvised soundtracking and vid mixing. Come and be surprised, stunned and beguiled by this modern day fable of love and redemption from the death of the 60s to terrorist attacks. Expect boats, hippies, sounds, and hope.www.rosemarydun.co.uk